Ideas for Affordable Bathroom Remodel
When the time for remodeling comes, it is almost inevitable to renovate the bathroom as well. If you want to remodel your bathroom, here are some tips on getting an affordable bathroom remodel. If you manage to follow these tips, you will have more funds for expensive remodeling projects.
Use Inexpensive Materials That Imitate Luxury Ones
Using durable materials that look almost as their luxurious counterparts is always a good deal. The good part is that more often than not, cheap lookalikes can be just like the real ones. For example, vinyl flooring can beat the look of the original material that it mimics. There are many other examples where you can swap out travertine and marble for ceramic and porcelain tiles.
Touch Up and Refinishing for Your Bathtub
Replacing your bathtub is the last resort. Refinishing is the option that is cost-effective and you should repair and retain rather than replace unless the latter is absolutely necessary. You can even go as far as only spot-fixing the surface instead of doing the full refinishing. There are many products on the market that can help you with that and companies that will follow your instructions and do it better than you without extortion.
Pre-Fabricated Showers Are Always Cheaper
The most expensive choice for a new shower is to build a custom tile shower from scratch. While site-built tile showers and tubs can be great-looking and unique, opt for a prefabricated shower unit, which almost always costs a lot less. If you really need to have that tiled shower installed, fusing a poly shower pan with the tile saves some hassle and some cost.
With JC Construction & Renovations INC as your provider of affordable bathroom remodel, you will have all your low-budget projects fulfilled. We are always on your side and work with you to give you the best end result. Give us a call at (209) 238-7920 and let’s have a talk about your remodeling project in Stockton, CA. Do not delay, call today!